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RCA cables

The Different Types OF RCA Cables

RCA cables are electrical connector cables which can be used to send audio and visual signals from one device to another. Most of us will have used these cables at one time or another, as they are now commonly used for connecting  games consoles and DVD players to the television. However, the cables are much older than you might think – they were used as early as the 1940’s, where they were used to connect mono phonographs to amplifiers.

RCA Cables – The Types

There are actually three different types of RCA cable available and each is used for a different purpose. The three types of RCA Cables are:

1. The Single RCA cable. This is used for single AV patching and features a single jack, with gold platted tips for great performance.

2. The Dual RCA cable. Duel RCA cables are made up of two cables – usually red and white – which are unbalanced. They too have gold tipped connectors and use a spiral wire system.

3. Triple RCA cables. These are the type you will typically find when using a games console. They are used to produce single channel composite video, as well as, dual channel audio.

The cables are available in a range of different lengths, from 3 feet to 50 feet. This means that they can be used to connect a range of devices over fairly large or short distances. It is, however, always a good idea to use the smallest possible RCA cables for the job; the signal is stronger over a shorter distance.

How Do RCA Cables Work?

RCA cables are actually very simple devices. They are generally colour coded, so it is easy to recognise which pin connector should be placed in each socket. Both your electronic device and your RCA cables should feature this colour coding. When the connector is placed into the female jack on, for example, the TV, a signal will immediately be sent from one device to another, thus allowing audio and visual material to be clearly shown. The shorter the distance the signal has to travel, the better quality the image and sound will be.


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