What is the most important thing when it comes to attracting a wide audience to your business? Are looks everything, or will you get far more people if you lower your prices as much as possible? After all, the more money you spend on branding your business and looking as slick and attractive as you can, the more overheads you will have and therefore the more you will have to charge to break even. Therefore, it is very hard to achieve both, and many businesses have to choose one above the other. So which is the best way to go?
Well, when you consider the plethora of ‘cheap’ bargain shops that offer the same products as supermarkets for far lower prices, then consider which will have the higher footfall, it becomes clear that price doesn’t attract people as much as we might think. After all, with the massive reductions you can find in such bargains shops, you would expect that they would have a chance at stealing much of the trade from the big supermarkets, but this is not the case.
The same goes for any other business. The right retail design will not only attract people into your store, but also instil confidence in the consumer, instantly associating looks with quality. Therefore image can make a huge difference to turnover.
From the right point of sale display stands through to the entire layout of the store itself, the right retail design can make a business simply look expensive and those looks alone will more than sufficiently justify any slightly higher prices.
The extra benefit of the right retail design is the fact that suddenly purchases from your business will seem like extravagant luxuries, even if they are the same products that are offered cheaper elsewhere. Price can go a long way, but an investment in the way your business looks will end up bringing you far more custom and therefore far more profit.