Italian Wines

Italian Wines

Italy has some of the oldest wine producing regions in the world. Italian wine accounts for nearly 1/3rd of the world’s wine production. Romans started their own vineyards in the 2nd Century B.C. The Romans had wine making down to a fine art and had large scale production of wine and began barrelling and bottling the Italian wine.

There are four basic categories of Italian wine these are: Vini, Vini Varietali, Vini IGP and Vini DOP. Vini is a wine that can be produced in any region in the EU and does not have to indicate the type of grapes that have been used or the geographical location of the grapes. The wine label on the bottle of this type of Italian wine will just state the colour of the wine.

Vini Varietali are generic wines that are made up of at least 85% of one type of authorized grape. The authorized grapes being: Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Merlot, Syrah or Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon. These wines can be made anywhere in the EU but the geographical location is not put on the bottle. The vintage and the type of grapes used can be placed on the label of this type of wine.

Vini IGP is an Italian wine that is made up in a specific geographical location within Italy and made up of a specific authorized variety of grape.

Vini DOP is an Italian wine that generally come from smaller regions within the IGP and are vocated for the winemaking traditions of the specific area. Many people adore Italian wines and regularly ask for it whenever they are in a restaurant. There are over 350 authorized grapes for the production of Italian wines, and there are twenty wine growing regions within Italy. Throughout many of the wine regions the wine is stipulated by their cuisine in the area and often reflect the type of wine made in the region.

If you are currently looking for good Italian wines then do go and find a professional and reputable wine merchant who will advice you as to the best type of wine you can buy that is manufactured in Italy.



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