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Fe-el web agency creates responsive websites, visible from desktops, tablets, smartphones, and web TV to allow companies investing in the web to have only one site and one data source. For each of these devices, fe-el web agency studies the creativity , the design to get a different and effective user experience (depending on the resolution and on the device)


Compared to the choice of a traditional site and a mobile site separately, with the responsive design there are many advantages. The first one is that by updating one site you can update all possible displays, desktops, smartphones, tablets, web tv at the same time. Another advantage is that those who share the page, article, or the site on social networks always share the usual domain, visible from all devices with maximum user experience, avoiding the traditional matter: a user shares a mobile site page on social networks, and who is looking at it from the desktop will have a very bad user experience because he will access the mobile site. Who wants quality and uses the site to promote products or services cannot help but having a responsive site produced by fe-el creative agency.

Compared to big agencies, fe-el digital web agency offers the same quality of products and services at lower costs. Compared to small web agencies (or freelance), it offers the guarantee of a high quality product, competence of various professionals experienced in their field, as well as confidence in the continuity of services.

The many services offered allow fe-el web agency to propose the customer an all-round service and ensure punctuality and quality at the same time. From the study of interaction design and web design to the usability, fe-el web agency offers tailor-made solutions, such as responsive websites, responsive e-commerce, CMS, CRM (custom and open source highly customized) able to satisfy any need and greatly increase the ROI.

Fe-el web agency Milano is also specialized in Digital marketing, from the creation of DEM compatible with all browsers and responsive and able to ensure traffic thanks to its creativity always in step with corporate communication and call to action oriented, to the landing pages that increase the conversion of any marketing campaign, thanks to years of experience.

For social media such as facebook, google+ and twitter, fe-el web agency Milano offers tailor-made solutions to generate conversation and to sell or launch a product, directly managing the publishing. For Facebook in particular, fe-el web agency is able to create interactive apps to launch a product, a service, a competition related to a marketing campaign or marketing game. Fe-el web agency Milano offers SEO service to be well indexed in search engines and improve your position in the SERP, reviewing the structure of html sites and doing link building of high standard.. Moreover, Fe-el digital agency develops web applications in PHP and DOTNET, in order to ensure maximum coverage and offer the customer the best solution depending on the project and the budget.

Fe-el web agency also offers you the study of your brand identity in line with the core business, able to stand you out and place you in a well-defined commercial context

Fe-el digital agency offers its services to large, small and medium-sized companies that want to develop on the web in a professional and regular way.

Since 2013, the team enlargement and the high degree specialization in many areas allow fe-el web agency to increase the offer by designing effective ad hoc solutions , at higher level , able to meet any need, thanks to the use of high efficiency cloud servers.

For more information please visit – Web Agency Milano.

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