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Warehouse Steps


If you have ever worked in a large factory or warehouse you will have no doubt needed to use a set of warehouse steps at some point. There are many different types of warehouse steps available, all depending on how high you need to climb to reach what you require from the shelves.

One of the smaller sets of warehouse steps comes complete with three rungs or steps. These types of steps are generally made from steel and aluminium and they come complete with rubber treads and non slip steps. They are easily moved because they were set on a set of castors, but they are spring loaded so when you step on them they will not move under your weight.

There are also warehouse steps available with four and five steps too and these are ideal if you need to reach higher shelves in a warehouse. They could be used in a stock control room for example, or they could be used in a store room for important files and papers from the office. The larger warehouse steps work in exactly the same way as the smaller ones and are set on castors as well. They too are spring loaded so when you stand on them they are perfectly safe and will not move.

For much larger operations warehouse steps come in much bigger sizes, with anything from five to around 14 steps. All of the warehouse steps mentioned come complete with a platform on the top which is guarded with a rail so you are safe whilst standing on the top, but f course caution and health and safety laws must be adhered to at all times when using a set of warehouse steps.

There are many companies that now sell warehouse steps and the vast majority of them can be found on the internet. Simply type the keywords ‘warehouse steps’ into your preferred search engine and you are sure to find a supplier near to your place of work. Many companies now also offer a leasing or hiring service as well, which again is a great option and one that many companies choose to take rather than buy their own warehouse steps.

At you can choose from a range of warehouse steps, roll cages, mobile safety steps, stillages, shelving solutions and load retention equipment.

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