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The very best sandblasting equipment and more from Centurywise

Centurywise are a Stockport based company that provides cleaning chemicals and a handy range of sandblasting equipment and pressure washers so you can tackle various surfaces. With a wide variety of customers from around the globe Centurywise are always growing. It’s because of this growth that they’re able to offer their customers a huge range including, and not limited to sandblasting equipment.

Centurywise began its life in 1992 and since then has continued to grow. Its founder however has been using sandblasting equipment and the like since 1983 making them one of the few traders who have had huge amounts of experience using the equipment they are selling. When buying a product from Cenutrywise you’ll be given all the necessary information needed to use it. But, if beyond that you have more questions they give free, no obligation advice on any queries you may have!

The complete start up package for sandblasting equipment you can purchase at Centurywise is the very best around and adheres to the strict EC standards. With a blast pot of around 70kg it should be sufficient to last you for around 30 minutes, plenty of time to complete most jobs! After listening to many cleaners and users of sandblasting equipment Centurywise can now provide the best machine in terms of ease of use, durability, portability and maintenance.

Maybe you’re looking to start up your own business? With sandblasting equipment like this, you can. It can clean stone, brick, steel, floors and so much more. It’s one piece of equipment that can easily be transported to give you endless opportunities to earn some cash.

Their commitment to supplying high grade sandblasting equipment with great customer service is unending. With a wealth of experience behind them, and an extensive knowledge of the industry Centurywise are ideal candidates for people looking to purchase a huge range of cleaning solutions.



Sandblasting Equipment from We are supplier of blast cleaning and pressure washing equipment. Visit today if you are looking for Blast Cleaning.

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