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The Fastest Way to Find Catering Staff

Catering Staff

Even in the current climate where work is in short supply it can still be hard to find the right staff for your catering Staff or hospitality business. There are plenty of applicants, but a significant percentage of them are just not what you are looking for.

This can mean that you spend hours reading resumes from applicants who do not really have the experience you are looking for. Of course, this is a problem for all employers, but in the catering industry, it can be worse. This is because the general perception is that anyone can wait on tables, prepare food or work behind a bar. In reality, this is not true. To do any of these jobs well requires a lot of training, and in many cases, also requires additional qualifications like food safety certification.

If you advertise in shop windows, via general agencies or in local newspapers you are definitely going to find yourself putting the majority of the applications you receive in the bin. Fortunately, there is a far more efficient way to find the right staff for your hospitality or catering company.

Use a Specialist Recruitment Website

The answer is to advertise the roles that you have via a recruitment website that specialises in catering Staff. These companies are well known to people who have worked in, or who are currently working in the catering industry. When these people are out of work, or looking for a new role the first place they turn to are these specialist recruitment websites.

This means that your adverts will be seen quickly, and be responded to by people with the right qualifications. If you use the right company, you can post your job on their website in just a few minutes and receive applicants very soon after that.

It is possible to recruit people in all parts of the country, which is perfect for a firm that is expanding into new areas. Naturally, you have to pay to post your advert, but no more than you would have to pay to a newspaper or magazine. The fact, with this one advert, you are reaching the eyes of thousands of potential applicants rather than just a few hundred means you really get value for money.

If you want help with your recruiting go to the catering Staff recruitment agencies listing website. There you can post all kinds of catering roles and find the people you need quickly.

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