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Take the stress out of moving with a great service removal company

Moving house is both exciting and stressful. Packing up all your worldly possessions and transporting them to your new home is hard work, hectic and nerve  wracking. What if all the glasses break? What if you put your back out lifting box after box? If you hire a professional removal company you won’t have to worry about any of that. Far from just sending a driver with your moving van a removal company will take care of all the heavy lifting, arrange the boxes in the van in the safest and most efficient way and bring your belongings into your new home too. Execu-move Removal Company elevate service to another level by offering to do your packing for you.

Execu-move can pack and transport your personal belongings nationally or internationally to suit a move of any distance. As one of South Africa’s leading furniture removal companies you can trust their expertise and confidently leave their packers to box up your household items directly out of their cupboards and drawers, into high quality boxes and move them to your new home. You can be sure that all your belongings will arrive in the same condition as they were packed, from your most precious china to your basic everyday mugs.

Execu-move are a full service removal company meaning they provide all the packing materials, pack up your possessions, arrange shipping and unload your boxes at the other side. They can also ship your furniture if this is required. As a full service removal company they will tailor their services to your needs. So if you prefer to pack you own boxes this is fine. They will advise on the best packing materials and methods for packing. They can even arrange for your pets to be transported. They won’t shipped with your furniture but instead a specialist pet moving service will be contacted.

With the help of Execu-move moving won’t seem like such a mammoth task.



Whether you’re moving home, office or overseas and are looking for a removal company ,visit Don’t hesitate if you’re looking for furniture removal companies.

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