Success Habits?

I’d like to tell you a story referring to the first time that I came across achievement habits, and I will be honest here, I didn’t really notice at the time however for some reason this has stayed in my head since school.

I ought to have been around 16 or 17 at the time. I used to board at school although the boarding community was waning a little, in reality I say a little… there were just 2 of us guys left in my year who weren’t ‘day kids’. Me and my mate Ed.

In truth this was actually brilliant as a result of Ed was a real good lad and we used to have a real good time (he’s the only fellow I have ever known to be thrown down a flight of stairs in a ‘trunk’ by a gang of lads, begging for us to do it again and again, genius!)

There was a time of year when it wasn’t hence great though in school… The end of the Easter term when the School Cross Country competition went on.

Being a boarder you were in a slightly different crowd, for some reason one had something to prove… We HAD to win at sports. I remember fielding a rugby team for ‘School House’ (the boarders) with a full 15 players… however that was everyone we had in the 3 eligible years, even the poor sods, you be familiar with the physically smaller guys who had never really played any rugby, were on that pitch.. and they played their hearts out against players 3 years their senior (the majority of whom were in the 1st XV)
Anyway, back to the point of prosperity habits

The story that I really want to share with you at this point referring to prosperity habits concerns another kid at school, Henry.

Henry was a big guy, a ‘day kid’ in the year less than me and when it came to the Cross Country (which we all hated bar about 2 guys who were good at it) he forever came in way at the back.

I’m going to be honest, the distance that they used to make us run I’m surprised that we each finished in the first place, the whole afternoon was horrific… every year, and even though I was into sports big time.

I’ll get back to Henry in simply a sec.

I see time and time again people looking to develop a goal but they do not focus on their successfulness habits, the characteristic that they are willing to do day in and day out in order to develop what they want to achieve.

Instead of figuring out the habits that they would appreciate to incorporate in their daily routine, the mantra appears to be I will do xyz until I reach my goal.

That’s really not going to cut it.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

– Aristotle

What is it that you are going to repeatedly do, ad infinitum, to get to your goal? What are your triumph habits going to be?

The reason I am telling you about Henry is that I am guessing that he wanted to lose some weight this particular year, and get somewhat fitter..

.. yet thing concerning it was, when everyone else had gone home, I saw him in some way 3-4 times every week right up into the summer term running that Cross Country course.

Henry had looked at what he believed his good times habits had to be and quite merely got on with it and never looked back… Way after most people would have had enough and quit.

That was what he did, every week, week in week out.

Needless to say, that year in the Cross Country he wasn’t found anyplace near the back at any point.
The big question is, what are you going to make you achievement habits?

To lose weight and get fitter is not an one off detail. You do not generate it to then stop what it is you are doing, by virtue of you merely reverse the trend you so effortfully achieved (effortfully? Is that even a word?)

To give up smoking is to be effective to say no everyday, every time, not merely for a period of 4 weeks when you hear that the nicotine has left your system.
You want to look at what you fancy to achieve and create your fortune habits from that. adjust your lifestyle to accomodate it.

You may find yourself merely trying some stuff out merely to see how it feels once you have achieved some things that you want to. For instance, I am trying out vegetarianism this month.. I have succeeded to give up drinking and smoking as of now and now it is time to look at new lifestyle choices (although I doubt it will stick full time… Mum’s roast dinner is far too appropriate for that ;p)

Success habits are the things that will lead you to success, to not decide what they are will lead you to failure. Check out what Empower Network can offer you to lead you to the success that you are looking for.

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