Veterans not only face dire situations on battlefields, but they also face a plethora of challenges off duty more than often. To honor the sacrifices veterans make on the battlefields, the Government offers them Veteran Compensation. This compensation is for those who acquire injuries or illnesses due to their military duty. So, those who have been injured on duty or acquired any type of illness due to their work in the army can claim compensation from the Government. This claim process may seem like a simple task, as per Regina Temple. You just have to gather some documents, fill out a form, submit them all, and you get compensation. While on paper the entire process looks easy, when people try to execute it in reality, they frequently face a bitter reality. It comes in the face of disability rating. To get compensation, a veteran needs to get a high disability rating which is not a simple event.
Regina Temple On Disability Rating
The problem with disability rating is – most people don’t understand how it is measured. Because they have little to no idea about disability rating and its measurement process, they often end up getting low ratings which affects the amount of compensation. Also, veterans often suffer from multiple disabilities because of the harshness of their job description. Complications arise when a veteran suffers from both physical and emotional ailments due to the nature of their work. In this situation, getting the right disability rating becomes a problem.
What Is Disability Rating?
The VA disability rating process is designed to evaluate the seriousness of a veteran’s service-connected disabilities. This rating determines the amount of compensation a veteran should receive. So, if you get a low rating, your compensation will be low. The process of claim filing often gets complicated because of the requirement of various medical documents.
Common Challenges Faced by Veterans
Veterans face a plethora of challenges when they file claims for disability ratings. From paperwork to claim submission, this is a lengthy process that often gets turbulent because of the lack of knowledge. When you are gathering documents for claim submission, you are required to be very meticulous. If you miss any document, you may get a low rating. The VA regulation can be a challenge to overcome. You will be suddenly up against a heap of rules and regulations, most of which you will not be able to understand. If you fail to understand and follow the regulations properly, your claim may suffer. Often veterans fail to submit adequate medical reports. To get a high rating, you must submit proper medical reports. In addition to all these, the claim submission process is pretty complex to understand. It creates a big challenge for veterans who have little to no idea about disability ratings.
Securing a disability rating from the VA is a critical step as per Regina Temple. The process is both complicated and challenging. Veterans may face difficulties with paperwork, medical examinations, and understanding VA regulations. In such cases, the assistance of an expert can be of help.