If you need hospitality, staff there are several ways to find them. They all work, but some ways are better than others are. Here we take a quick look at your options.
Hospitality Work is not for everyone
The first thing to realise is that hospitality work is not for everyone, however, many people who are looking for work do not realise this. Unfortunately, that means that a significant percentage of the people who apply for your roles, will not really be suitable. For this reason, you need to target your search to reduce the chances of the wrong kind of people applying for your roles.
For some kinds of jobs taking out adverts in local newspapers or on general classified websites works, but for catering or hospitality roles it generally does not. A much better approach is to advertise in the trade press, if you are going to use traditional recruitment techniques.
Advertising your roles in colleges that run catering courses can also help. Most of the people taking these courses will already have a good understanding of what is needed to work in the hospitality and catering industries. Importantly, they will already have some of the necessary skills, providing you with a good foundation on which to build.
Go Online if you can
However, recruiting in these ways still is not the most efficient way to find the people you need. Adverts posted in this way can take days before they are seen by the right person. If you include your e-mail address, you can get their application as soon as they see your advert; however, you cannot get past the fact that you are advertising your role to a relatively small pool of potential applicants by choosing this advertising medium.
A far better approach is to go online to a recruitment website that specialises in providing people for the catering and hospitality industries. It will take you just a few minutes to put your advert up on their site, where it will be seen by literally thousands of qualified applicants. You can post your job at any time of the day or night and may even receive applications within hours of posting your role. It is by far the fastest way to fill hospitality roles.
You will get the assistance you need with your hospitality recruitment at www.caterer.com. This very experienced recruitment firm will help you to find the people you need quickly without it costing you too much.