This is really a time old question. How can you spend your time doing what you love and get paid for it?
Most people tell you that ‘you have to be really lucky’, which is a cop-out quite frankly.
We have all been brought up to assume that we have to sacrifice time (get a job) to be efficient to fund doing what you love.
Is that really how we all fancy to be existing in the 21st century?
Seems a pinch archaic.
Which it is.
… and I think there are quite a few people who conceive that furthermore looking at the droves who turn to the internet in search of answers.
‘Society’ is purposefully stopping you doing what you love
Truth is, and this really pisses me off, things are getting harder. YOU are being blamed for the economic turmoil and you are being pegged with the bill for banks above leveraging themselves.
Where’s the bailout for the 3.8m people subjected to foreclosure in 2010? (Sadly I can’t find the diversified figures for 2011)
Anyway we are not here to focus on all of that… Apart from the fact that if the banks were left to fail most of those 3.8m should have had their debts extinguished (no-one to owe them to) and would all still be housed with excess cash (due to no mortgage) to ‘stimulate’ the economy.
Sorry, that is my theme of choice… and one of the reasons why I am here in front of you writing this.
You see, I’ve given up with the status quo. Doing what anyone else does almost always leads you down the wrong path. That’s not to say that anybody at all else is at all bad in any way, it is simply how the ‘system’ is set up.
But, you aren’t like anyone else..
.. how do I know?
by virtue of most people wouldn’t have gotten this far down the page.
If you spend your time investigating ways to focus on doing what you love, people will frequently ridicule you, call you a dreamer, tell you that it is not possible. You have to run a job they will say.
They’re wrong, quite just wrong.
So, you are here to focus on doing what you love.
If you can bear to bequeath me two minutes I would appreciate to share with you some incredible instruction which a very smart (and rich) fellow instructed me (although he’d never admit it).
I would like to showcase you why the economy works in its simplest form.
When you harness this and be conscious of which side you fancy to be on, you will be effective to plan your future consequently so a great deal better… It really is the first ‘key’ to unlocking the puzzle.
Ok, here it is…
being A gives money to person B… and personality B gives value to creature A
– Professor Frank Kern Doctor at Law
‘But Raas, I don’t run anything of content to sell I hear you say’
That is where you are wrong…
anybody at all has something of worth to offer and it consistently shows up in a hobby, theme of interest, the detail that you spend most of your time doing.
It’s what you are doing when you are doing what you love.
There is counsel inside your head that categories of people all above the globe want… and in a few cases need to comprehend.
Here’s my suggestion…
… and you are more than welcome to take it or leave it as you see fit. No dramas.
I’m going to introduce you to some groups who have an area who are looking for the same things that you are…
… and exactly the platform and training that you can harvest to earn and assume form of FREE.
There is absolutely no reason why you cannot spend the rest of your weekends doing what you love, wherever in the earth you like.
If geography and travel is your thing, check out the Digital Nomad approach and make sure you connect with me personally as I am starting a splinter group, working the same principles, dedicated only to that and I would love you to be a part of our ‘tribe’.
All you need to do is learn how to employ the information that you at present know, to be able to spend your days doing what you love.