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Ghost Hunting

Ghost Hunting

For hundreds of years people have been fascinated by the paranormal, spirits and ghosts, so much so that there are ghost hunting tours that are very popular all over the country. These events are held at ancient buildings such as castles and old manor houses. For example Oxford Castle is said to be one of the top 10 haunted buildings in the country. It is a beautiful place but at night it is one of the most terrifying buildings in the country.

It had a jail where legend has it that the inmates held a séance and ‘woke up’ spirits and poltergeists and has since had to be exorcised as a result. There have been many a ghostly going on in the castle such as doors banging, stones being thrown, screams and ghostly footsteps. If you are a true ghost hunter then Oxford Castle is a must visit on one of the organised ghost hunting tours.

You will find that many of the ghost hunting tours will follow the same kind of format no matter where the building is. It will start off with a short chat about the different things that you may experience on a ghost hunting tour and the use of the ghost hunting equipment on the tour. You will be told about the many ways that you are able to communicate with the spirit world on the ghost hunting tour.

You will find that on most of the organised ghost hunting tours there will be a medium present and a group of paranormal investigators to give expert advice to all attendees. Remember that you only have to take part in any investigations that you truly feel comfortable with and can abstain from anything that you feel is too much for you.

If you are looking for a place to join a ghost hunting tour first check in your local area to see if there are any buildings where there are ghost hunting tours conducted on a regular basis. Take a look on the internet too you will find lots of specialist ghost hunting tour websites. Browse through them until you find a ghost hunting tour to suit your needs.



ghost hunting by We are paranormal investigators, specialising in ghost hunting in locations across the UK. Visit their website today if you’re looking for haunted weekends.

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