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Flexible Ducting

Flexible Ducting

Flexible ductings is something that you will more than likely not give much thought to, but just look around you and you will more than likely see some on your vacuum cleaner and tumble dryer. Flexible ducting is basically a hose that sucks air through it as your vacuum or tumble dryer would do.

Flexible ducting is used in all walks of life and is something that is not just found in the home either. Take a busy commercial kitchen for example where the ovens are on for the majority of the day, ovens that create extreme temperatures. These type of kitchens will have flexible ducting in them to omit the heat from inside the kitchen to the outside, large pipes that will suck the hot air from inside and transfer to the outside.

Flexible ducting is also found in portable and large air conditioning units too, as well as being found in areas where there are high volumes of gases. Fume extraction, air conditioning and ventilation are just a few more examples of where you will find flexible ductings in use on a daily basis.

Industrial ducting will more often than not be made from plasticised PVC as this material is very good at self extinguishing. Flexible ducting that is used in garages for instance will more often than not be made from rubber as this material can be easily corrugated and it is also extremely durable. Flexible ducting that is found in the home, like on our tumble dryers, will be made from a transparent polyurethane material with steel wire running through it.

Whatever type of flexible ducting you require you are sure to find it in a number of different outlets. Small electrical shops for instance will stock items for the home, while larger DIY stores will also have a large range of flexibl ducting available. If you work in the building industry you will need to contact your nearest supplier and arrange for a delivery, unless you live nearby and are able to collect the materials yourself. Also the internet is a great place to buy all different types of flexible ductings from and you can more often than not grab yourself a great deal if you choose to shop via this particular method.

Flexible Ducting by Take a look at their website if you are looking for Ventilation Ducting and more.

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