A lot of people in commercial real estate have a problem with the fact that they have to make prospecting cold calls each and every day. Without prospecting calls you simply don’t have enough listings; that is a fact and yes it will hold back your commissions and income. So get over it and obtain on with it.
You have to make ringing calls no matter how long you will be in the industry. More calls mean more business. It is the simple secret to sales and also listing success. The more people you speak with, the more meetings you receive and eventually the more business you generate.
What I will carry out here is detail the most frequent problems that sales people have making cold calls to commercial property prospects. It helps you to understand that you’ll be not alone in doing cold calls and battling the prospecting system.
The issues and challenges are:
Finding the right time to make the calls daily. Things get in the best way and the diary has pressures you feel you must attend to before you start your cold calling. Never let your journal prevent you making cold calls. This is a golden rule that should not be broken for any reason.
Knowing just what to express is a real challenge for a lot of. The way around this is to start to read a book aloud after you rise each morning for approximately 20 minutes, it will lift the verbal intelligence and help greatly using your call reluctance.
Getting past the gatekeepers and secretaries can be quite a frequent problem. The gatekeepers are there for the reason that business or manager wants these phones filter the calls. Be polite at just about all times. Respect the gatekeeper and ask if you’re able to send an email or fax towards right person.
Knowing just who to call and get for? This is always a challenge and it does mean that you must prepare for your telephone calls. The best way to accomplish this is to create the call list each evening for morning.
Getting telephone numbers. Sure telephone numbers for many business leaders and investors are hard to find, so do not end your processes simply for this reason. Make lots of effortless calls in between the nearly impossible to find numbers. Momentum in more important than accuracy inside the early stages of the cold call routine. Use the business telephone book for ones area and start discussing with all the business frontrunners and managers.
Using a script or the thought you must is a challenge for a few. Understand this; scripts do not work for the simple reason actually scripts. Everyone knows when a call centre is doing a pitch. You are better than the call centre, and you know your work and guess what happens to say, you just need exercise. Your focus should be to make a conversation, not to do the pitch. The conversation will cause an appointment if you experience a genuine property need on the part of the prospect. You cannot sell or pitch commercial real estate property over the telephone; it is too intricate.
Building trust over ringing is really important. The trust process in the telephone is essential to obtain meetings. As mentioned earlier, drop the pitch and make the call. Be a great conversationalist and ask if you can help the prospect. If there is a need then make a meeting.
Handling objections on ringing is a problem but shouldn’t be so. Objections are hurdles presented by your partner. They are there for the reason that only the other person knows. You best response is usually to acknowledge the objection, respect it, but do not challenge it. Go back to the actual fact of need. Ask the prospect when you can be of any help with or in property. Understand this, there are many prospects that just need to converse more to help the objection vanish entirely. The best salespeople converse; they do not pitch.
Confidence and control are the keys with regards to making lots of cold calls and prospecting. Build these as personalized traits and strengths with your sales career; the results you achieve will likely be significant
Ari Galper, the World’s #1 Sales Trainer and expert on trust-based cold calling, is the creator of Unlock The Game?, the leading sales approach being adopted by companies across Australia, in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. You can take a Free Test Drive of Ari’s cold calling approach at https://www.unlockthegame.com.au/.