In the past, people tended to think of plastic surgery as something restricted predominantly to women. However, over more recent years, there has been a growing trend for men to make the most of such procedures.
One of those who has noticed a trend towards more male cosmetic surgery is industry practitioner Peter Paterson.
Speaking to the Lancashire Telegraph, the expert claimed that he has seen an increase in demand among men in Lancashire, where he works, for procedures such as laser line removal and facial fillers.
According to the plastic surgeon, businessmen in the area are among those most keen on getting work like this done. Indeed, one in four of his clients are now male, he revealed.
He remarked: “Programmes like The Apprentice have put the focus more than ever on looking slick and coming across as young, energetic and vibrant – a case of looking the part even if, as Lord Sugar frequently discovers, people can’t always deliver the goods.”
Many of the businessmen he deals with are young and want to enhance their appearances through plastic surgery to boost their prospects in an increasingly completive jobs market, he suggested. Indeed, some of those who request help are in their mid-20s.
Also, those who think they are visibly ageing often request treatment for fine lines and wrinkles, Mr Paterson noted.
The medical specialist went on to say that the stigma that used to be attached to male cosmetic surgery has now gone, removing a barrier to treatment for a lot of people.
These days, there are many procedures available to individuals who want to change the way they look and, thanks to advances in technology, the range of solutions is broadening all the time. The popularity of operations like this shows no sign of declining any time in the near future.