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Bank Business Plans

Bank Business

Starting a new business can sometimes be daunting when you have to produce all kinds of business plans. Bank business plans are essential if you are looking to secure funding of any kind for your business including an overdraft. There are lots of things that need to be included in a bank business plan including an executive summary; this is one of the most important pages of your business plan as this is the page that most instant decisions are made from.

It will be a summary of the key points of your business, including competitors, profit forecast and all the best points throughout your business plan. Get this page right and you will have more chance of the banks looking more in depth into your business plan.

You will need to write a page in the bank business plan about yourself and your team of co-workers. Showing your strengths in management teams and if there are any weaknesses how you will address them. You will need to include a brief history of experience for each of your team stating what they have to offer for your business.

The next most important page will be all about your products or services whichever type of company you are setting up. This is the heart of any business and you will need to include all the details of all products including any patents you may have, product development strategies and of course the USP of your product or service.

The market that you intend to sell to is important and you need to know exactly who your customers are going to be. List any customer base you may have currently and a strategic plan to build your customer base too. Include a detailed page of the breakdown of all the selling prices of your products including manufacturing costs and the amount of profit on any one product or service.

You will need to show how much capital you have already for the start up of the business and how much you need to borrow. Include a statement on the financial page about how you intend to repay any borrowed money along with any security you can offer your investors.



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