Are you looking for a safe and energy efficient induction hob?

induction hob

For businesses in the restaurant and hospitality trade, you may want to emphasise the presentation and delivery of a fantastic food display to your customers. There are many creative ways and useful appliances to help you create a wow factor food display to entice your customers. Such as an induction hob, chafing dish, cafe counters to chill wells. Food service products can be used to showcase your food and drink to make them more appetising giving you a distinct edge in today’s competitive market.

An induction hob is ideal to prepare food and provide persistent heat in an indoor or outdoor food environment. The induction hob is perfect for every occasion and can be combined with stylish and durable chafing dishes. Enabling you to keep food hot and fresher for longer on an induction hob. An induction hob and a chafing dish is a great combination for a buffet style environment. The solid construction and high quality materials of a chafing dish not only look great on an induction hob but will also make the ultimate dish to serve your delicious food out of.

Induction hobs can be built from a bespoke design to fit your business requirements exactly. It integrate with your existing kitchen and dining layout. To ensure the hob is seamlessly in line with the rest of your restaurant. Or you can have a built in induction hob that fits and complements the rest of your kitchen range. So that it’s fitted in nicely with the rest of your appliances. It’s also possible to use portable induction hobs if you want the flexibility of having food prepared, displayed and served indoors or outdoors. All the inductions offer you safe, speedy and energy efficient cooking facilities in all cooking environments.

You can save on energy consumption as the induction cookers heat the base of the pan itself rather than the ceramic surface between the element and cookware as with traditional hobs. The heat is therefore applied directly to the pan, cooking the food faster. The hobs are fast heating with relatively cool cooking surfaces.



Induction Hob by Take a look at their website if you are looking for Chafing Dish and more.