Powerful cleaning with Industrial cleaning equipment

Industrial cleaning equipment

Making a good first impression is vital so having clean, tidy and well presented offices are a necessary starting point for all businesses. And to get your premises sparklingly clean you’ll need high quality, professional industrial cleaning equipment.

Industrial cleaning equipment is so much more robust and powerful than domestic cleaning equipment; it’s designed to get large amounts of cleaning done fast and effectively. There’s a huge range of equipment available, all created so you get the perfect finish. Scrubber driers are extremely popular and are used to deep clean, polish and maintain hard floors easily and quickly; so much easier than hours of wet mopping. The type of scrubber dryer you choose will largely be dictated by the size of your premises. Walk behind machines are ideal for smaller areas, with compact versions available for those areas that are tight on space. Ride on scrubber driers are ideal for large areas and, as the name suggests, let the operative ride on the machine controlling the direction and speed from a steering wheel and dashboard.

Working alongside scrubber driers, industrial sweepers are also a must-have for most offices. A vital part of any industrial cleaning equipment battalion, they help clear the floor of any debris ready for washing and drying. Again the size of these machines varies enormously and ride on versions, powered by petrol or batteries, are available for large premises.

For carpeted areas, don’t forget your industrial vacuum cleaner. More powerful and durable than domestic vacuums, they also boast noise filters so cleaning can be carried out as quietly as possible, minimising the disruption to staff during working hours.

Whether you want to buy or simply hire industrial cleaning machines speak to the expert staff at cleanhire.co.uk. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week they’re always on hand to give advice and after sales care. With a no pressure sales approach, they are dedicated to providing companies with the cleaning equipment they need at a cost that’s right for them.

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