Motor Trade Insurance

Have you got motor trade insurance? If not, you could be in for a nasty shock. With motor trade insurance and effectively any other insurance you can get, you are effectively protected from damage so long as it falls within the rules of your policy. This can include certain prerequisite conditions such as paying a certain amount into your motor trade insurance policy, or certain circumstances being excluded from a pay-out situation, also known as ‘act of god’ clauses. For the most part motor trade insurance policies are very tightly locked in terms of what they cover and what they don’t, and those in the motor trade very much know that and the boundaries this creates with their business. When you have motor trade insurance it can cover a very broad range or a very specific one, depending on the type of motor trade you are in and the size of the operation. If you are running a business that deals in large scale replacement, selling, and buying of automobiles, the motor trade insurance policy is going to be quite large and very broad as a result, and able to pay out significantly should the reason for claiming on the motor trade insurance policy cover the circumstances.

If the business is smaller, the motor trade insurance policy will have to be designed to match this. trade insurance policy than a counterpart in a larger business, but the fact is that these roles are interchangeable in many ways depending on the motor trade insurance provider. In fact I’d go so far as to say they are highly variable when it comes to motor trade insurance policies that are drawn up on a custom basis and those that are offered as preset packages. If you are in the auto trade and you don’t have motor trade insurance, you are leaving yourself open to several personal financial and legal black holes that may threaten to swallow you up eventually. Be smart, and get motor trade insurance policies sorted.


Looking for help and advice with motor trade insurance ? Contact Lion Heart Insurance today!