Is Gas Likely to Be an Issue for Your Industry?

Almost any business may be able to benefit from using gas detectors. After all, carbon monoxide leaks can be caused by anything from poorly maintained boilers through to gas water heaters, and therefore a huge majority of buildings could have the potential to need to detect gas at some point or another.
However, there are certain industries that are likely to need gas detection more than others. Whilst poisonous gasses can be a hazard to many buildings, certain businesses will also need a combustible gas detector or two to ensure safety from explosions too.
Both types of gas detectors are likely to result in saving a great number of lives, and knowing whether or not you need one is not always as straight forward as you might think. No matter how big or small your operation, certain businesses will need the right detection equipment to ensure safety. The most common industries to need such equipment will be those involved in mining and tunnelling, the rail industry and those recovering natural gasses. However, there are a huge number of other areas that may well need such items without them even knowing it.
For instance, those in industries as diverse as paper manufacturing and transport have good chance of needing combustible gas detectors whilst those in the power, gas and oil, water, cement, metal, chemical, food and landfill industries are also very likely candidates. Even those dealing with materials’ handling and utilities may well need such items.
If you fit into any of the above categories or are still unsure as to your needs, consulting a health and safety expert or even those specialising in detection systems will help you best understand exactly what, if anything, you will need to do to keep you and your workers, safe.
Any industry where safety is of the upmost importance could well benefit from such items, so be sure to know exactly where you stand.

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