Going Nitro

If you enjoy racing RC cars, either for fun or in one of the many competitions that seem to be cropping up across the country on an ever-more regular basis, then the chances are that you could get even more fun out of such a pastime if you decide to go nitro.

Whilst it may sound like the cars in question are going to be running on Nitrous Oxide, the type of fuel that movies glamorise as being able to push cars to the limits, the actual fuel that nitro RC cars use is a mixture of Nitro Methane, methanol and oil. However, whilst this might not be the glamorous fuel that is portrayed in the movies, when it comes to RC cars, this type of fuel achieves a very similar affect.

Not only will the cars be able to reach far higher speeds and in turn perform far better, they will also be able to last far longer without needing to be refuelled, meaning that those using nitro RC cars can either race for longer and have a greater chance of winning, or simply use their cars for fun for a great deal longer.

So what are the drawbacks? Well, the chances are that the cars themselves are going to be much more expensive to buy whilst the fuel needed to run them will also bump up the cost of the hobby slightly. However, with the amount of extra potential that such a fuel offers, choosing this type of car will be more than worth the small extra expenditure.

They are perfect for enthusiasts of any age and any level and whilst they are going to be able to reach higher speeds they are often all also able to do far more in terms of functionality too. So if you want to take your remote control cars one step further, the best option is to go nitro.


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