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Empower Network Review By An Official Member Of The System

Welcome to my Empower Network Review. In this article I am quickly going to discuss what the Empower Network is and what it can do for you.

In this Empower Network Review I will also give a few tips on how you can make as much money as possible with the empower network. And whats more, this money is going to be a monthly source of residual income.

First of all, the product is a training system on how to make your blog posts go viral so that you can make money as an internet marketer. The way you then go and make money from the training, is to go and promote the product yourself as an affiliate marketer. But you can only promote if you have yourself paid for the product. This is a great situation, because it means people wont be promoting products that they own.

There wont be any fake reviews because all affiliates will be paying members themself.

The intitial fast track training involves 8 videos that David Wood and Dave Sharpe talk you through. They lay out the basics of empower network and internet marketing in general. They lay down the ground walls and get everything set up for you.

A really cool thing, is that you get given your own blog on the official site. This way you get to take advantage of the natural page rank of the site to make ranking your blog posts much easier. So if you choose a good keyword, there is a good chance you can rank highly on the search engine results, even without sending much backlinks to your articles.

Also, the blog header and sidebar banners all have your affiliate code embeded into them. So when someone joins the sign-up list they are placed onto your autoresponder sequence automatically. You are then free to promote any product to them on the back end.

There is more advanced training available if you then upgrade to the inner circle membership. If you upgrade then you are also in line for a higher value of residual income as you are then granted the resell rights to the upgrade. You cant promote what you do not own so unless you upgrade to the inner circle you cannot promote it as an affiliate. If your referals were to upgrade then the commissions would be passed up one level to your sponsor.

There is also a costa rica training product, where people fly of to costa rica to learn from David Wood in person. This is a great product but only recommended if your business is at that current stage.

Hope you found my empower network review useful. See you on the other side.

For my in depth empower network review, check out my empower network article.

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