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Why Polystyrene blocks are nifty packaging materials

I bought a new kettle and toaster set the other day, that in itself was pretty unremarkable, although I do love the look of the fast-boil and rapid toast goods, but what I was more impressed with was the polystyrene blocks that came as part of the packaging. There were a number of Polystyrene blocks inside the main cardboard boxes and a couple of polystyrene sheets just under the flaps. The Polystyrene blocks were moulded to the shape of the kettle and the toaster, in a way they were like a little white tomb that enveloped the electrical goods. I’m not sure how far my new kitchen set had travelled but one thing was for sure, they could have covered many thousands of miles in their original packaging and still been safe and sound. You can see why polystyrene blocks from are always in demand.

Visit and you’ll find a wonderful world that’s filled with Polystyrene blocks and every type of polystyrene sheets you can imagine. It’s easy to see why the services of this premier supplier of Polystyrene blocks are sought by product manufacturers that want to keep their goods protected during their travels. Polystyrene blocks are made to order, they can be custom moulded into any shape you like so it doesn’t matter what you are shipping you know it’ll be well protected en-route. Polystyrene blocks are the perfect packaging materials and when you use them in conjunction with polystyrene sheets from world-class manufacturers like you get double the protection for your money.

It’s pretty amazing at how tough polystyrene blocks are and how resilient the polystyrene sheets from can be. Moulded into a range of different sizes Polystyrene blocks are tough and durable, they act as shields for the products they protect. Like I say, my kettle and toaster were in pristine condition once I had taken them out of their cardboard box and removed the Polystyrene blocks they were snuggled within. I can’t think of a better packaging material to use when you want to keep products safe – Polystyrene blocks really are the business!



Ukushisa Services specialise in the design and manufacture of high quality ceramic and polystyrene products for industry. For polystyrene blocks and polystyrene sheets visit

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