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Why Choose a Career in IT


If you are looking for a new career getting involved in IT is a very good idea. Even in today’s difficult trading environment many IT related industries are growing rather than shrinking. This means that, in the Information Technology field, there are more opportunities rather than less.

Naturally, there is more fluctuation in demand than there once was, with short term contracts becoming the norm, but overall the number of IT jobs available is growing rather than shrinking. Graduate jobs in the IT sector are expected to grow by around 8%, and the development of new technologies and increased reliance on them in all areas of life means that demand for people with the right skills can only grow. There are new vacancies being added to online IT job boards on a daily basis, a trend that looks set to continue. Importantly, the majority of jobs available in this sector pay well. Even those working in basic roles get paid a living wage rather than just the minimum wage.

Be Flexible

Research shows that getting started in the industry is not always easy. However, people who are prepared to take a job they do not really want and stick at it for a year or 18 months can use that as a stepping stone. Experience is important, but once a person has a couple of IT jobs on their CV finding new work is much easier.

Firms love candidates who have multiple skill sets. Someone that continues studying after they have left university is sought after. Employers know that these people have the ability to learn and adapt, which is extremely important in the IT industry, which is constantly evolving.

The Best Place to Find Out More

If you are interested in working in the industry you can get some idea of the kinds of jobs that are in demand by browsing through IT job boards. There you can see what salary you can expect and get an idea of the sort of qualifications firms are looking for. You can then find out more about these roles by searching the web and talking to people who already work in the sector. Online IT job boards are also the best place to find your first job as well as further your career.

You can find an easy to search IT job board at CW Jobs. Thousands of firms and recruitment agencies use this site to advertise their IT roles, so there is always a good choice on this site.

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