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Where to find Plumbers in Johannesburg

A plumber is a qualified tradesman, who will be able to fix and repair any problems you may be experiencing with your water, sewage or drainage systems. If you are experiencing a leak, the chances are you will need to get it fixed fast, in order to prevent further damage to your property. This article takes a look at the best ways to find a plumber in Johannesburg.


Many plumbers and specialist plumbing services will advertise their services online. You can try searching for local plumbers by opening up your preferred searching engine, and typing in keyword such as ‘plumbers in Johannesburg’ or ‘local hire plumbers’. Generally speaking, the results that appear at the top of the list are the most reputable and popular companies. Click on some of the links and write down a list of all the websites you like the look of. You will then need to narrow down your list by asking questions such as:


Are they qualified?
How long have they been plumbing for?
Are they fully insured?
Are they available 24 hours?
Can they provide references or client testimonials?


After you have narrowed down your list, you need to ask for a quote. It may be worth calling up several plumbers and comparing the quotes that you receive in order to get the best deal.


Another great way to find a plumber in Johannesburg, is to ask friends or family members if they can recommend someone to do the job. This way you know you will be hiring someone who can be trusted to work in your home. If you have Facebook, you can post a status update asking if anyone knows any plumbers they can recommend.


You can check the advertisements section of local newspapers and magazines. Also take a look at the notice boards in your local newsagents and grocery stores, as some plumbers will advertise their services this way.


Even if you don’t currently need a plumber, it is worth having a contact number for one stored in your phone, in the event you need to speak to someone in an emergency.



Of all the plumbers in Johannesburg, DrainCorp are considered the most reliable and cost-effective. For any plumbing Johannesburg enquiries visit their homepage at for more details.

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