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What Is A Secret Santa?

If you have never done it before it is well worth considering setting up a secret Santa for your office this year.

A secret Santa is simple to set up. Just go around the office and find out who wants to be involved. If someone says no, it is not a problem because you only need a few people to take part for it to be a success. All you have to do is to get each participant to write their name on a piece of paper, fold it up and put it in the hat. Once everyone has been asked and added their name go back around the office asking everyone to pull a name out of the hat.

Each person has to buy a present for the person whose name they have pulled out of the hat. They wrap the present and put it under the tree. On the present they simply write the name of the person the present is for. On Christmas Eve everyone opens the surprise present they have been bought. No one gets left out and everyone has a great laugh buying each other a small present.

Who Else Can Run a Secret Santa?

If you do not work in an office, but like the idea of a secret Santa you can still do it. All you need is a group of family, friends, neighbours or colleagues to do so. A lot of families do them to ensure that no one is left out and that Christmas does not end up costing too much for each member of the family. If you have a family with lots of cousins in it buying a gift for each of your cousins is not only expensive it is also very time consuming and difficult. Running a secret Santa really takes the pressure off.

Some streets run a secret Santa and use it as an excuse to hold a street party. It is a chance for everyone to get together and exchange a gift without any of the usual social pressures that go with this kind of activity

Freefall UK has a great range of <a href=””>secret Santa</a> gifts available. They have been selling this kind of gift for over 20 years, so know what works and their collection reflects this fact.

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