I you own a company that has office or business premises where visitors come on a regular basis then you will require a visitors book to make sure you know who is on your property at any given time. It is very important, mainly due to health and safety regulations to know who is in your building. This is especially important for fire safety as if a fire were to start you would need to be able to account for everyone that should be inside. If someone hasn’t signed in the visitor book then no one would know they were inside if there was a fire.
It is not only companies that need a visitors book; they are also used in all schools. It is very important for schools to monitor who is coming in and out of the building to ensure the safety of children. Most visitor books will also have a visitor pass that is torn out and worn by the visitor with their name on. This lets other people in the building know you are a visitor and that you have followed the correct visitor signing in procedure. Most organisations, companies and large retail premises will all use visitors book to sign in and out any visitors.
If you want to purchase visitors books for your company, school or organisation then you can purchase bespoke visitor books to meet your exact requirements and hep you to comply with your workplaces health and safety legislations. Many companies create visitor books and will be able to add your company logo on. Most visitors books will have columns to write the date, time in, time out, a person’s name, what company they are from, reason for their visit, a contact number and their car registration number. It may also have a section in the visitors book that is torn out by the visitor which will have health and safety information on and for them to write their name. This is usually a sticker or a piece of paper that is placed in a visitor badge and worn around the neck.
Visitors book is one of the great products that we provide, all that are available at very affordable prices. Capitalbadges.co.uk is where you can purchase your own visitor book – visit our site today!