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Use a Baler to bundle-up recycled waste

If your business takes environmental issues seriously you might already use a Waste Compactor and a Baler at your site to compress cardboard and plastic materials. If not, would you consider using a Baler in the future to improve the efficiency of your site? The Baler would certainly help you to reduce the footprint of your recycling and cardboard could be compressed into handy bales ready for recycling.

A Baler is a useful asset to have on a site and you don’t have to plunge in and buy new machinery straight away there are other alternatives that let you try out equipment before you make a major investment.

Why not hire a Baler for a few months to see how you get along? This could be a gentle introduction to the world of baling.

Where do you hire a baler from?

That’s a good question. You can’t exactly find a Baler or a Waste Compactor in your average run-of-the-mill store this is a specialist area and one that requires a professional waste management service.

To find an effective Baler look for waste management professionals, teams like DJB in the UK are highly experienced in this area. They sell a wide range of Baler equipment and also have the latest models ready to hire or lease over a longer period of time.

Take a trip to their easy to navigate site and you’ll find a wealth of information on the latest Baler technology and find great deals on waste compacting machinery in the process.

Why not lease a baler long-term?

Hire a Baler or a Waste Compactor for a set amount of time and you’ll quickly realise how invaluable it can be to your business. Not only does it reduce the amount of waste you produce the bales of cardboard that are compacted inside the Baler can be sold to recycling companies giving you a healthy regular revenue. This leaves you with a dilemma. Do you invest in your own Baler or carry on renting one over a longer period of time, possible looking at a leasing option?

Leasing a Baler makes a great deal of sense. You have fixed monthly payments, it helps you preserve other credit facilities and you can upgrade the equipment at anytime you like.

Either way, whether you rent or buy a Baler it’s going to do your green credentials the power of good.



The baler we used for this article was bought from DJB Recycling. DJB Recycling offer hire as well as purchase for those not ready to make a large investment. We’ll be testing a DJB 1210 Waste Compactor in our next article.

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