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The uses for an Armco barrier

Armco barrier systems are essential crash barrier products that can help to protect buildings, pedestrians and plant machinery. Vehicle accidents are very common and measures need to be put into place to stop these accidents being fatal or to stop them from causing significant and costly damage to buildings and machinery. Armco barrier systems can be utilised in many different settings to offer effective protection against vehicle incidents. Crash barrier systems are used in places such as car parks, on road sides and motorways, around pedestrian walkways, in front of buildings, for security purposes and in many industrial locations where safety is paramount. There are different Armco barrier systems for different applications and many manufacturers will be able to create bespoke crash barrier systems to meet the specific requirements of their customers.

Armco barrier systems are very versatile and they can be configured in a number of different ways to create the right protection for their intended purpose of use. Crash barrier systems are ideal for multi-storey car carps to create barriers around all the edges of the car park and in the spaces to stop people from bumping into walls. They are also used on the ramps in multi-storey car parks so people don’t bump their cars as they manoeuvre up and down the levels. The range of Armco barrier products include bolt down and dig in crash barrier solutions, barriers with handrails, impact absorbing shock posts, bases, corners and posts to create the perfect Armco barrier configuration that is required.

Suppliers of Armco barrier systems will be able to offer customers all the help and advice they require when it comes to purchasing the right type of crash barrier for their intended purpose of use. As well as the other products already mentioned Armco barrier systems will also include bollards with cast iron sleeves, impact absorbing column protectors, wheel guides, conveyor protection rails, panel crash barrier systems and warehouse racking crash barrier solutions.



Armco Direct is a store in Derby specialising in crash protection products such as the Armco Barrier. Please visit our website to see our full range of crash barrier products.

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