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The Allure of Ornithology

There are very few people who dislike birds. Besides those who are awoken by birds every morning at an hour unbefitting for human perception, maybe. And cats. However, on the whole most people will agree that birds are quite nice, happy-go-lucky kind of creatures. Yet many people fail to see the allure of bird watching, happy to watch them when they are out and about, but unwilling to set specific time aside to indulge in the pursuit. So just what is the draw of such a pastime?
Firstly, ornithology is very relaxing. Being at one with nature is a phrase that is extremely overused, but by taking time out of your day to forget your troubles and simply relax with a pair of bird watching binoculars and nature itself you can very easily find that you are extremely revitalised.

In the same way that many people have an almost irrational passion for sports, a love for nature actually makes more sense and spending time indulging in bird watching is likely to be far more edifying and far more conducive to effective relaxation than a great deal of other pastimes.

Then of course, there is the fact that it allows you to get your binoculars and head outdoors, letting you enjoy the regenerative and cleansing effects of good clean air.

And finally, unlike a great many pastimes, it can actually simply be very informative both personally and for the scientific community. The observations you make can help inform new understandings of bird habits, climate change and many other things that could well otherwise go completely unseen.

So for those who like watching birds but have never bothered to buy the right binoculars to make it a regular pastime, it can be surprising just how much benefit can be seen from something so simple, and something ultimately so enjoyable.

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