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Stay safe find out more about Legionella control

Are you aware that that Legionella control is enforceable under the Health and Safety Executives Approved Code of Practice (L8)? You should be if you are responsible for the water supply in your building, you could be putting people in danger, you won’t be conforming to the latest HSE requirements and Legionella risk assessments need to be completed as soon as possible. Legionella control is vital if risks are going to be managed and risk assessments are a necessity. It’s a specialist subject and Legionella control has to be performed by highly trained risk assessors who are vastly experienced in the industry. All risk assessments have to conform to the latest regulations chances simply can’t be taken when it comes to Legionella control.

Bring in the experts for Legionella control

If you have concerns about how to approach Legionella control and wonder where to start with Legionella risk assessments it’s time to bring in the specialists. By experts we are referring to water and air quality specialists that are vastly experienced at Legionella control. Approach a company like Amphibia for Legionella control and they’ll provide all the peace of mind you could ever want. They offer a wide of services and have numerous years experienced in the field of Legionella control what they don’t know about Legionella pneumophila, the bacteria that causes Legionaaires Disease, doesn’t need mentioning really. Have a risk assessment that doesn’t just meet the standard requirements it far exceeds them as well.

Take the first step to successful Legionella control

You can’t undervalue the importance of Legionella control. Have Legionella risk assessments and you can identify any source of risk. Water quality experts will provide detailed reports during risk assessments with recommendations of how to achieve successful Legionella control in the future. Drawings are included with all reports they clearly show problem areas and help to identify how Legionella control can be implemented to prevent issues in the future. The first step to achieving successful Legionella control is by talking to the team at Amphibia. They’ll help to set the wheels in motion to enable you to comply with the latest regulations and stay safe in the process.



Talk to us about Legionella control! Amphibia are the experts in Legionnaires disease and have years of experience in providing Legionella risk assessments for companies and individuals.

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