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School Badges, they’re perfect for prefects and all types of titles

I picked my daughter up from her infant school the other day and she was beaming from ear to ear. The reason she looked so happy was due a School Badge that she’d been given by her teacher that had ‘official helper’ on the front of it. This grand position of responsibility was handed to different children in the class on a weekly basis and the School Badges were actually for the fruit monitors! Yes that’s right, my daughter was now one of the official fruit monitors at school, for a week at least, and she had School Badges to back this up. It got me thinking about the School Badges that we used to wear when I was young and this took me down memory lane. I can remember some pupils wearing sports captain badges, others that had prefect badges and School Badges that listed all types of titles and positions.

Why are School Badges so important to young children?

The humble School Badge is a popular feature in learning establishments for a variety of reasons. Hand School Badges to children and it gives them a sense of responsibility, a unique title indicates they are being placed in a position of trust. School Badges can be given the playground buddies they are often handed to older children that act as mentors to younger children in the school. You earn the right to be given School Badges, they show other people you are part of the anti bullying crew or you are the class writer of the week. School Badges encourage children to play a greater role in the learning environment whether they are members of the choir or are nominated as head girls or boys.

Designs of School Badges

My daughter’s School Badge is in the shape of a bar but I know for a fact that other School Badges are made from different designs. It’s common to see prefect badges in the shape of a shield or milk monitor School Badges that are square. The sizes and shapes of School Badges vary greatly as do the titles that are placed upon them. When I was at school the titles of School Badges were fairly limited buy today it’s common to see peer mediators, buddy or eco-school badges in customised designs. I know one thing. Our local infants’ school will have quite a fight on their hands when they try to take my daughter’s badge off her, I think she’s become quite accustomed to wearing her ‘official helper’ title.



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