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Litho Printers – Printing that Stands the Test of Time. Time and time again…

An Idiot’s Guide to Lithography and Litho Printers

What is Lithography and what are Litho Printers?

For anyone wanting to produce a successful advertising campaign that is, one that exceeds their return on investment; lithography is just one of the essential terms you will need to know. Litho printers came as a result of the introduction of Lithography and in layman’s terms; Lithography is best described as a process for printing from a smooth surface to a substrate- typically paper.

Lithography was invented in 1796 and before professional Litho printers evolved; people used stones and metal plates to publish theatrical works or intricate artwork onto large sheets of paper.

Any team of professional Litho printers will tell you the many advantages of Litho printing when attempting a flyer printing project. Lithography not only produces a seamless image- no matter how big it is enlarged to – from one plain to another, but it also results in a smooth, even finish- one not replicable using any other method of printing from any other medium.

There are three main types of Litho printers. Short-feed Litho printers are the Litho printers most commonly used for producing flawless books, catalogues, cards, posters, packaging and flyer printing with web- Litho printers being used for newspapers, inserts and magazines that require double-sided printing.

Where can I find expert Litho Printers?

Global Designs- since their inception in 2001- has fast become South Africa’s leading providers of unbeatable graphic design, low and high volume flyer printing and professional-standard studio photography. They have a passion for scouring the market on a regular basis for new service and product introductions and there is no price they cannot beat elsewhere. They are proud to have built a superb reputation for being attentive to their customer’s unique needs and will always go the extra mile to ensure your 100% satisfaction.

If you want to hear more about Global Designs, visit to find out more!



Litho Printers from offer a wide range of printing services that will brighten up your business, from flyer printing to litho printing. Visit us for Flyer Printing.

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