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Is it Easy to Care for Wood Flooring?

Some people avoid solid wood flooring simply because they think it will be harder to care for than carpet. However, with just a little bit of forethought, it is not only easy to look after oak flooring, but such flooring will also no doubt end up staying in a far better condition than carpet will.

Carpets fade easily, wear, fray and can be a nightmare to clean. On the other hand, the right wood floor can easily be treated to help prevent the fading caused by UV rays, will be very easy to keep looking clean and, on top of this, if you look after it in the right way, solid wood flooring can actually help to boost the value of your house too.

So what steps need to be taken to look after a wood floor? Firstly, avoid scuffing the floor by dragging items over it. Whilst it will be hardwearing, it is not going to be impenetrable, and by lifting smaller items or placing felt pads on the feet of any heavier furniture, you can almost guarantee that you’ll avoid any ugly scratches.

Where possible avoid wearing heavy footwear, especially high heels, when walking on the floor. Normal footwear will cause no problem, but something like stilettos could easily leave pressure marks, no matter how tough your oak flooring is.

Finally, make sure you keep it clean. Avoid using too much water and instead make sure you simply regularly sweep the floor with some form of soft bristled broom. A wood floor will not store dirt like a carpet will and, unless you are faced with something particularly stubborn, a very quick sweep will be all you need to keep it looking pristine.

The great thing about wood floors is that they can be treated to give them a better shine, protect them and totally invigorate them, so even if you find they start to look dull, unlike carpets, there are still ways to restore them to their former glory.

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