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Is Getting the Right the Right Roles Down to Luck?

It may seem like getting the right acting jobs is down to luck. However, when you consider that there are a huge number of actors going for every single part, there is a lot more than just luck involved in the majority of instances. Everything from how you feel on the day of auditions through to whether or not you have the right hair will make a big difference, and luck will play a certain part in this, but there is also another aspect that will have a great deal of influence over how ‘lucky’ you are.

The fact that so many people are going for the same roles means that the chances of you getting a role you are perfect for are less than they might otherwise appear. However, the more auditions you attend, the higher the chances of getting those right roles will be, not only because you are multiplying the odds of you landing a role, but also simply because you will be seeing far more casting directors and being remembered accordingly, meaning that when a perfect role does come along, they may even contact you rather than vice versa.

So how do you increase the number of castings you attend? Whether you have an agent or not, there are many ways to be proactive and help yourself get lucky. After all, if the ‘luck’ is down to how you feel and how you look on any given day, the more days you audition, the more chances you have of feeling right, looking right and acting right on one of those days.

One way of getting more regular casting calls is to use a casting service. Sites such as Audition Now will text information on upcoming casting calls direct to your phone, with each text costing £1.50, up to a maximum of three texts per week (18 years and over only). So for just a small weekly cost, you could be getting far more castings and in turn having far more chance of having ‘luck’ on your side.

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