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Getting the Decking You Want

There are many ways to create the right decking outside your home, or even outside an office. However, the majority of solutions will either end up being somewhat generic or extremely costly.
Decking can be easy to lay yourself, however getting the right size timber to create exactly what you want is not always as easy and the majority of companies offering specific decking solutions will end up costing you far more if you want something unique to your own home.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t get the exact decking you want and at a price you can afford. Cutting out the middleman will mean you have far more chance of getting exactly what you want, at the right spec, whilst actually potentially saving you money.

Going direct to a timber merchant will offer many great benefits. Firstly you can give them the exact specification you need for your decking and get timber cut to size specifically, but you can also be sure that you have a far wider choice of material that can be cut to an exact size.

With CNC cutting, the best timber merchant will be able to offer you products cut to within 0.1mm of accuracy, ensuring that you don’t have to worry about the decking you end up with looking like a botched together job. By buying a pre-fabricated solution you are likely to end up having to make changes yourself at home and without the tools to offer CNC cutting precision, the result is unlikely to be as perfect as you might like.

So if you are looking into decking, why not go straight to those companies who offer the timber in the first place, and design something yourself that will really make the most of everything that your own garden has to offer.

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