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Get to grips with a gearbox, take Manual driving lessons

I know what you’re thinking. The moment you get a learner permit you want to be driving as soon as possible and think automatic lessons through driving schools Melbourne will be much easier than manual driving lessons. Okay you might not have to worry about mastering the gearbox with automatic lessons but you’ll be missing out on a great opportunity if you don’t take Manual driving lessons from the beginning. Learning to drive through Manual driving lessons isn’t as difficult as you might think and once you’ve mastered the art of clutch control and smooth gear changes you feel such a sense of achievement. Anyone can stick a car in drive then press an accelerator in an automatic car but you have greater skills once you have passed your test having taken Manual driving lessons. Do you really want to limit your options to an automatic car when Manual diving lessons will enable you to drive both types of vehicles?

Booking manual driving lessons

Say you do decide to take Manual driving lessons and you have your leaner permit already. The next thing you need to do is find driving schools Melbourne that teach Manual driving lessons. Picking the right driving school can be crucial when you book Manual driving lessons you have to feel happy and comfortable with the instructor that you choose because you’ll be spending so much time with them. Your instructor should teach you the principles of driver awareness, defensive driving and make you aware of road safety helping you to become a competent and confident driver through Manual driving lessons. The lessons should be structured and taken at your own pace so you are fully prepared when the time comes for your test.

Learn the rules of the road with manual driving lessons

Manual driving lessons gently steer you towards your test date, they teach you how to drive safely and adhere to the rules of the road as well. Make a shrewd decision with your choice of driving schools Melbourne and your lessons should be fun, informative and most importantly, tailored to your individual needs. Book Manual driving lessons and you can arrange to be picked up and dropped off exactly when and where you like, this could be after work, before school at night or during the day at the weekend. Manual driving lessons cater for the needs of learner drivers whether you decide to take a series of weekly lessons or opt for intensive training programmes that are taken over the course of a week or more. Manual driving lessons give you the golden opportunity to learn the fundamentals of a gearbox so you can drive stick shifts or automatics anytime that you like, once you’ve passed your test of course!



I Said Driving School is one of the few driving schools Melbourne to specialise in manual driving lessons! Whilst the choice of transmission is up to you, our manual driving lessons will let you master your gearbox!

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