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Eco Coffins – the ideal option for dearly departed that care about the planet

Death is one of those awkward subjects. Some people are happy to talk about it, even go as far as make their own preparations for the day they say goodbye to this world, others think it’s a taboo subject. I’m with the ‘talk about it’ bunch on this one and I don’t see what’s wrong in discussing funerals and coffins, especially when they are Eco Coffins which are Designer Coffins for an eco-conscious society.

Eco Coffins make a great deal of sense they’re much more practical than traditional types of wooden coffins. Why pay for a casket that simply gets cremated or buried deep into the ground when Eco Coffins do exactly the same job as wooden caskets but leave a smaller carbon footprint? If you care about the planet, are passionate about environmental issues and want to make plans for the future, why not discuss Eco Coffins with your family?

Great reasons to choose Eco Coffins

Get a quote for wooden coffins from funeral directors and you’ll quickly begin to realise that death can be an expensive business. Eco Coffins are different though, they are made from high strength cardboard materials, they still take on the form of traditional caskets but are less expensive to purchase.

The biggest plus point for Eco Coffins is their green credentials though. Each coffin is manufactured from a high percentage of post consumer waste, 70% to be exact. Once buried Eco Coffins degrade at a faster rate than wooden versions and if you cremate the coffins they emit less carbon emissions, obviously this is far better for the planet. Plus there’s one other feature of Eco Coffins that transforms them from bland caskets into Designer Coffins.

You can personalise Eco Coffins exactly as you like!

Eco Coffins are the ideal pictorial tribute for a very special person. Any type of design can be printed onto the Eco Coffins so you can be as adventurous as you like with the Designer Coffins. Images of sunsets, woodlands, flowers or plants are just some of the design options that could be printed onto Eco Coffins. They are made uniquely to celebrate the life of a person and the character of the dearly departed can be reflected through the Eco Coffins.

Should we feel awkward about talking about Eco Coffins? Not at all, we all have to meet out maker one day and it could offer a modicum of comfort for relatives if lives were celebrated with eye catching tributes printed onto Eco Coffins.



Eco Coffins from Choose the perfect coffin that will best lay tribute to the person you love. Visit us if you are looking for Designer Coffins

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