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Do You Need Your Own Delivery Fleet?

As your company grows, there is a good chance you are going to end up spending more and more on delivery. Using separate companies to deliver your goods may, in some respects, seem like a waste of money and it may well seem that having your own delivery fleet will offer you far more flexibility and in turn financial savings. However, this is actually rarely the case and whether you are a small, family business or a multinational company, it can be far more cost-effective to outsource your deliveries.

Something such as pallet delivery will indeed cost you a good amount of money, but delivering them yourself will come with far more expenditure. Whilst it may indeed be cheaper to fuel a vehicle yourself and pay your own staff to deliver the goods, there are many other expenses that would be needed to be added on too, which will in turn mean it is almost always cheaper to enlist the services of a pallet courier.

Not only is there the initial cost of buying vehicles, but on top of this there will be the upkeep of the vehicles as well as finding somewhere to store them. Then, of course, there is fact that the administrative process becomes  far more complicated as you will have numerous receipts to collate as well as far more wages to ensure you get right. With a pallet courier, there will just be one regular amount of money going out, making things far easier to keep track of.

The only real benefit that having a fleet has over choosing pallet delivery is the simple fact that, with your own vehicles, you will be able to advertise your company on the road. However, unless this is vital, then the extra costs of having a fleet will almost certainly not be worth it.

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