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Defeating The Cinnamon Challenge

How much do you like cinnamon? If you’re like most other people, you probably think the taste of cinnamon is great, in moderation. If that’s true, then you might fail at the cinnamon challenge. This is a cultural phenomenon that has existed since 2001, though most of the challenge has occurred over Keek and other video sharing websites in the mid-2000s. If you have never heard about this challenge, or if you just want to know how it started, then read on and find out.

What is it?
The cinnamon challenge is fairly straightforward, and without many rules. First, you take a full tablespoon (that’s the one with a capital T.) of cinnamon. Then, you eat it all at once.

This is primarily a dare game that has spread through the Internet, and it is popularly done in high school. Aside from eating the whole tablespoon, which most people fail at, there are a few other rules. You can’t vomit and you can’t spit the powder out. It probably sounds really easy, you probably think you can do it several times in a row without any problem, but the truth is that the cinnamon challenge is very difficult.

Cinnamon is naturally an astringent, meaning it quickly dries out the mouth and throat. Not only that, but with the large amount of cinnamon in one’s mouth, it is very possible for someone to choke on this spice or to inhale dry particles of it.

Considering that you are not supposed to drink anything while performing this challenge, it can be very difficult to accomplish.

Humble Beginnings
While the cinnamon challenge was largely revitalized in 2010, it really began in 2001, before video sharing websites were really around. It was first performed by Erik Goodlad, a programmer, who decided to try this challenge.

Despite beginning in 2001, the first known video of the cinnamon challenge was uploaded in 2006, where it really began to take off. It has since spawned fan pages, entire websites and groups all over the Internet of people trying to perform this stunt.

There have been many high schools steeped in controversy due to the cinnamon challenge. Teachers and principals that fail to stop this challenge, especially after observing it, are often fired or put on temporary leave. This is because the stunt is dangerous, and teens or anyone else can easily die while trying this.

Many high schools have banned students bringing cinnamon in at all, and others have banned certain types of clothes that can be used to store cinnamon in. The most notable, and weirdest, clothing that has been banned from this stunt are open top boots.

If you are thinking of trying the cinnamon challenge, you should probably stop and think about how dumb it is. If, after that, you still want to do it, then make sure you have some water next to you for when you do start choking.

This will help keep the cinnamon from drying out your mouth, and it will keep you from passing out or dying if anything goes wrong.

If you want to watch out funny videos on cinnamon challenge, tune to Keek.

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