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Cartoon caricatures with famous faces

Caricatures are usually funny or exaggerated cartoons that have been drawn to focus on a particular feature or expression found on the face of the individual sitting in front of the artist. In this way, cartoon caricatures should resemble the individual in a very small way at least.
One website has taken this idea a little bit further by compiling a list of animated cartoon caricatures from well-known cartoons and animated films that have ended up looking “disturbingly like their voice actors.”
According to the website, these cartoon characters have been drawn in such a way that the viewer can instantly see the actor in their faces and mannerisms.
The list compiled by the website includes the following well-known cartoon caricatures:
• Steve Busceni playing Droopy Dog in ‘Home on the Range.’• Sylvester Stallone’s character Weaver in ‘Antz.’• Danny Devito playing Goat Boy in ‘Hercules.’• Tom Hanks in ‘Polar Express.’ Although the actor plays a few roles in the film, according to this compiled list his facial expressions and voice closely match those of the conductor. • Adam Sandler is said to resemble his character Davey in ‘Eight Crazy Nights.’• Oscar winning director Martin Scorsese made a rare appearance as the character Boxcar Bertha in ‘Shark Tale.’

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