Simple Auto Loans For People With Horrible Credit Histories
Having horrible credit or a very low credit score isn’t the end of the world. There are all kinds of offers on the internet trying to convince you that there is some secret to improving your credit score.
There isn’t.
It’s simply a matter of paying your bills on time. If you can’t pay the collections or charged off accounts on your credit report, they will disappear with time.
If you have what you consider to be horrible credit and need a car loan, you can do that while you’re waiting for your credit score to improve.
That in itself should be a relief.
You can get approved. Dealerships and local banks may turn you down, that’s true. What you need to do if you have a horribly low credit score is to use a lender that focuses on helping people in your situation.
You don’t have to have a down payment unless the price of the car is unreasonably high. If it’s too high, you wouldn’t want to buy it anyway, would you?
Of course, not.
So getting a car loan with no down payment, even with terrible credit is very doable as car loans are secured loans. They have collateral, which makes all of the difference in the world.
You know how much of a payment that you can afford. Your monthly payments will be based upon your monthly income and this way, you won’t end up with a payment that you can’t afford.
How cool is that?
Learn more about how to buy a car with bad credit at