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Avoiding Mobile Phone Ties

Being tied to a specific contract can be somewhat limiting. By signing up for 18 or 24 months to a tariff that may seem good at the time, you are potentially making changes in your private or business life far more costly in the future.
However, it is not just contracts that offer ties, and many people forget that by buying a phone outright to use on Pay as You Go, the majority of people will still be tied to a specific network provider. This might not seem like much of a problem, but with different networks offering different prices at different times, what might have at one point been the best deal for you could end up with you paying far more for your calls than you would want to. On the other hand, it could simply leave you finding yourself unable to call or text people for long periods every month.

However, there are ways around this. By using sim free mobile phones you can get all the benefits of whichever network is cheapest at any time. Not only this, but different providers may offer you a huge number of free minutes or texts every month and by having sim free phones instead of normal ones, you may simply be able to get all the benefits from every single provider and save yourself a huge amount of money over the course of every single month.

Finding out that you are on a network that offers very little in the way of cost-effective calling to its customers could mean you have to sell your phone simply to try and move to a network that is cost-effective. With sim free mobile phones, you can be safe in the knowledge that you will always be able to use whichever company is the cheapest without any worries or hassle.

So next time you are looking at new phones, it may be far more cost effective in the long run to look at sim free phones.

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