Top 7 Reasons To Opt For Drain Jetting Instead Of Conventional Methods

Do you want to unblock or clean your drainage system? You can perform this task by numerous methods. You could either utilise drain-cleaning equipment such as a “snake” or plunger to ensure clog-free drains, or produce high pressure to clear out obstructions that clog your drainage pipes. This is where high-pressure drain jetting comes into the picture. This procedure is also known as water jetting or hydro jetting.

This method leverages the force of high-pressure streams of water ejected by nozzles. The pressure and velocity of the streams of water have the ability to eliminate all obstructions accumulated within the sewer or drainage pipe. The pressure could range between 3000 and 8000 psi, which depends on the type of drainage pipe and the hardness of the obstruction.

Mentioned below are top seven reasons to opt for drain jetting instead of conventional methods of drainage cleaning.

  • Quality of Performance

Though traditional methods may assist in cleaning and unblocking of drains, they are nowhere near the efficiency that hydro jetting can provide. Equipment such as an auger, “snake”, or plunger, cannot clean your home’s drainage system as well as hydro jetting. When you set the right amount of water, pressure, and velocity, water jetters can clean drainage pipes exhaustively, ensuring optimum flow of water.

  • Affordable Prices

While hydro jetting may be a tad expensive in comparison with other traditional methods, the efficiency of the results, high-quality work, and the amount of time taken to complete the task make up for the extra charge. In the long run, it can prove to be more affordable than others because the necessity of unclogging pipes may not easily arise.

  • Immensely Versatile

Regardless of whether you are a large-scale organisation or a resident, hydro jetting has proven to be a highly-efficient method when it comes to clearing and cleaning drainage pipes. You need to make sure that the service provider you hire possesses the latest hydro-jetting equipment, which gives it the ability to set the right psi levels.

  • Extremely Clean

In comparison with traditional methods, drain jetting is an extremely sanitary way of clearing blocked drainage pipes. It unclogs the drains quickly, thereby reducing the exposure to potential health hazards for both family members and team members of the service provider.

  • Eco-friendliness

If your home is located near a natural source of water such as a river, lake, or pond,you may utilise this water for the purpose of drain cleaning. This method does not involve usage of any chemicals that could affect the drainage system or quality of land over a period of time. Moreover, it does not involve excavation, which has the potential to bring out harmful bacteria and other substances onto the surface.

  • Post Hydro Jetting

An excellent service provider will in all probability conduct CCTV surveillance after completion of the process of hydro jetting to check for leaks or cracks in the structure of drainage pipes.

  • Effective Measure of Prevention

Prevention is always better than cure. If you wish to avoid potential blockages, it would be wise to get your sewer and drainage lines thoroughly cleaned through hydro jetting on a regular basis.

The next time you suspect a blockage in your drainage system, get the help of professional hydro jetting service providers.