My daughter came out of class the other day sporting a rather fetching School Badge. It said ‘milk monitor’ on the front of the School Badge and you could tell it meant the world to her. She’s only six and any type of praise or encouragement brings out the best in her. Being promoted to milk monitor at school really made her day and I think it’s a clever use of a School Badge. In fairness, the school in general is big into badges. They hand out Schools Badges to pupils to give them a sense of responsibility. I think it’s nice that learning establishments still use badges in this manner. It certainly seems to do wonders for the attitude of the children at my daughter’s schools.
Whenever I see a School Badge it reminds me of the time when I was at school. Back in the day, we had a Schools Badge for prefects and also had Schools Badges on our blazers as well. It made you feel good when you wore your blazer and I was proud of the badge on the front. I even had a bag that had a Schools Badge printed on the front although I seem to remember this didn’t last for very long. Wherever the school bought their bags from they weren’t very good and the handles snapped off mine after a few months.
Today there seems to be a growing number of Schools Badges in learning establishments, far more than when I was at school. Using my daughter’s schools as an example they have a multitude of badges and her milk monitor badge is just one example. Nowadays you see badges for prefects, members of the choir, and house button badges in all shapes and colors. Pupils are handed a Schools Badge if they work hard during lessons and become star pupils for the day.
It’s nice to see some traditions remain the same and that certainly counts for Schools Badges. I was chuffed to pieces to see my daughter wearing her milk monitor badge and you could see it put a spring in her step.
Schools Badge by Visit their website today if you’re looking for School Badges.