Keek is the newest social media network

Breakthrough video sharing websites have made sharing funny videos with friends a snap. Sites like “YouTube” are a huge benefit to people that want to share videos of any type. However, the restraints of sites like this can make them difficult for some people to use. For example, there are lots of music videos, television shows and even movies on these sites. While this is useful in many ways, you sometimes just want to see funny videos or upload your own goofiness.

People that post funny videos on these sites are often treated cruelly by the posting community. For some reason, angry and mean spirited people just seem to love posting very derogatory comments. This can cause a lot of personal drama which can makes some social networks rather awkward and uncomfortable to be on.

Well, you can easily avoid these types of problems by signing up with “” This video sharing service focuses on creating micro-videos of relatively short length. There aren’t any music videos or other unrelated videos that clog up many different websites. Instead, there are only personalized videos made by a wide variety of users in the “Keek” community.

Essentially, each video serves as a “microvideo status update” or a “keek.” Users can post whatever they want, including serious and personalized logs. Users can update using webcams, the Android or iPhone type phones. However, sharing funny videos is one of the best ways to use this service.

Imagine seeing something weird you just have to comment on and share with your friends. For example, let’s say you’re walking down the street and a drunk guy stumbles out of the bar and falls to the street. He’s not hurt, but he’s talking about needing to see his dog “Hanna.” You want to capture this moment to share with your friends.

However, you’re far from your computer and find other video uploading websites difficult and annoying to use. “Keeks” lets you record your video as it happens, instantly updating it to your personalized “Keek” website and sharing it with the world. Select a title and choose keywords to share the video. It’s as simple as that.

Once you get home, you can check out your video and see how many people have viewed it. Post your video to social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter to help spread it to people that don’t use “Keek.” However, the “Keek” community can see, share and comment on the video.

Unlike other video sites, “Keek” focuses on a social networking aspect. You will meet lots of funny and interesting people by posting your videos. People will post on your videos and share videos with you. The community is friendly and supportive, offering great advice for new “Keekers.”

“Keek” is spreading rapidly to include celebrities and a wide range of peers, friends and family members. Hook up your webcam and sign up for a free “Keek” profile. Start posting your hilarious videos today and experience the world of funny “Keek” videos.

The most fun type of social media network is Keek. Watch funny videos, share them with your buddies and exchange videos together.

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