FRIO Wallets are for people who are dependent on insulin. There are many people who face problems like lack of insulin in the blood and due to which they need to supply insulin in the body externally. Insulin is such a medicine that needs to be stored at certain temperature throughout and if it is not stored at a proper temperature then the usability of insulin is reduced. If an individual wants to use insulin throughout the day irrespective of the place and temperature where they travel then they need to carry FRIO wallets with them because FRIO wallets help the insulin to maintain a standard temperature.
How to use FRIO Wallets?
Many people may think that usage of FRIO wallets is a very difficult thing and hence, they use the old method of storing insulin but that is not true, once the user starts using FRIO wallets then they will realize the easiness in using these wallets rather than the other old methods of preservation of insulin.
The person who is using FRIO wallets just needs to dip the wallet in cold water for 15 minutes. The wallets contain granules and these granules absorb the cold water and the granules are converted into gel thus, retaining the cold that they have absorbed from the cold water. The person can carry FRIO wallets even while travelling. Once the granules are converted into gel, the person can use a towel to wipe the excess water from the FRIO wallets and then the person can place it easily in their travel bag as the wetness from the surface of the wallet is absorbed completely.
Advantages of FRIO Wallets
There are many advantages associated with usage of FRIO wallets as compared to that of the old methods of preservation like that of refrigeration. Few of the advantages are as follows: –
1. The best and most important part of FRIO wallets is that they can be used conveniently. FRIO wallets are considered to be better than that of refrigerators for the purpose of storing insulin. These wallets are considered to be 5 times better than usage of ice.
2. If a person is travelling somewhere then they can just carry their insulin in the FRIO wallets as this will keep the insulin safer. FRIO wallets can be used to safeguard insulin from cold as well as hot climate. Insulin is suitable for usage if they are stored at a temperature of 18-26 degrees Fahrenheit; the wallets help to maintain the required temperature even at 100 degree Fahrenheit.
3. FRIO wallets are designed in such a way that the user can carry all types and sizes of insulin pumps, insulin pens and standard refill cartridge thus, it is suitable for everybody who is dependent on insulin.
4. Apart from storing insulin, FRIO wallets can also be used to storing other medications that require stable temperature.
A person can choose FRIO wallets depending on their taste as there are various colors of FRIO wallets available so the person can choose their favorite color.
Georgette Adanas has been writing articles on frio insulin cooling wallet since 1999.